Tangled threads of memory and imagination in Mémoires d’un ange maladroit by Francis Dannemark

Aleksandra Komandera

Université de Silésie à Katowice , Poland


This paper deals with the theme of memory in the novel Mémoires d ’un ange maladroit by Francis Dannemark, a Belgian author writing in French. In order to verify the hypothesis that the writer succeeds in depicting the complex functioning of memory, we examine writing techniques, narrative devices and numerous metaphorical constructions used by the author, and describe them, taking into consideration “memory authorities” (author, hero, reader). The analysis proves that the novel is not a simple variation on memory and its mechanisms but also contains essential observations on the writing process, including the play with the fictionality of a literary work, and on the act of reading. Recollection, memoirs writing, novel writing, reading: all these activities resemble a puzzle.


Francis Dannemark, memory, memoirs, recollection, forgetting, imagination, writing

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Komandera, A. “Les Fils enchevêtrés De La mémoire Et De l’imagination Dans Mémoires d’un Ange Maladroit De Francis Dannemark”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 12, Dec. 2022, pp. 151-60, doi:10.31743/ql.14874.

Aleksandra Komandera 
Université de Silésie à Katowice https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1344-2081


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