Let memory speak! The French language and the end of the pact of silence in Manèges by Laura Alcoba

Amandine Guillard

Université nationale de Córdoba , Argentina


In this article, we will analyse the novel Manèges, written by the Franco-Argentinian author Laura Alcoba. More specifically, it is the connection with the French language, able as it is to echo the Argentinian memory, that will be the subject of this study. As she was silenced during her clandestine childhood in Buenos Aires, Laura Alcoba found an unhoped-for liberty in this language of exile, which she
employed in order to put her experience, so far been silenced and unnamed, into words. As a medium of memory, the French language seems to be the only way to reconnect with the past whose expression in the mother tongue would probably be insuperable for the author. The distance created by French – synonymous with liberty and rebirth – from the Spanish language – synonymous with repression and silence – is the necessary condition for her memory to be finally able to speak.


memory, language, persecution, Argentina, writing, exile, Laura Alcoba

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Guillard, A. “Que La mémoire Parle ! La Rupture Du Pacte De Silence grâce Au français Dans Manèges De Laura Alcoba”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 12, Dec. 2022, pp. 196-09, doi:10.31743/ql.14878.

Amandine Guillard 
Université nationale de Córdoba https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0990-6488


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