Cambodge, me voici: trauma, postmemory, and the construction of feminine space in the spoken theater of Jean-Baptiste Phou

Tess Do

Université de Melbourne , Australia

Darren Zhang

Université de Melbourne , Australia


More than forty years after the end of the Khmer Rouge regime, the trauma of genocide still weighs heavily on the French-Cambodian diaspora. Confronted with the silence of the previous generation who refuses to talk about the genocidal past, Jean-Baptiste Phou uses Khmer spoken theatre to give voice to four Cambodian women and to portray their lives on stage. In this essay we propose a reading of Cambodge, me voici in the light of Marianne Hirsch’s postmemory. The intersection of the axes of the protagonists’ desire and the creation of a familial, feminine and maternal space will allow us to analyse the formation of this diasporic memory and its intra- and intergenerational transmission through two sororal and mother-daughter pairs. We postulate that the choice of casting and the staging of the two, French and Khmer, versions of the play transform the stage into a site of shared memory in which the role played by women in the reparation and transmission of Cambodian cultural heritage is revealed.


Jean-Baptiste Phou, Cambodia, Khmer theater, postmemory, cultural transmission

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Do, T., and D. Zhang. “Cambodge, Me Voici : Trauma, Post-mémoire Et Construction d’un Espace Culturel féminin Dans Le théâtre Parlé De Jean-Baptiste Phou”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 12, Dec. 2022, pp. 223-3, doi:10.31743/ql.14880.

Tess Do 
Université de Melbourne
Darren Zhang 
Université de Melbourne


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