Memory writing according to Caroline Lamarche. On L’Asturienne and La Fin des abeilles

Judyta Zbierska-Mościcka

Université de Varsovie , Poland


The article proposes a reading of two books by Caroline Lamarche, L’Asturienne and La Fin des abeilles, in the context of a reflection on family memory, which is considered here to be the foundation of the sense of self. The works in question are part of the broad current of autobiographical texts which have proliferated since 1980. Lamarche’s recent books offer an example of original memorial writing anchored in the uncertainty of the present time that seeks its roots and its raison d’être in the past. The article focuses on the poetics of these texts on the one hand, and, on the other, on the way in which the work of memory is manifested here. Anne Muxel’s sociological reflection on family memory complements this analysis by providing the necessary methodological tools. The notions of transmission, reviviscence and reflexivity proposed by Muxel demonstrate the meaning of remembrance, for both individual and community.


Caroline Lamarche, memory, family, history, transmission

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Zbierska-Mościcka, J. “Écrire La mémoire Selon Caroline Lamarche. À Propos De L’Asturienne Et De La Fin Des Abeilles”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 12, Dec. 2022, pp. 246-57, doi:10.31743/ql.14882.

Judyta Zbierska-Mościcka 
Université de Varsovie


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