An eloquent silence: the narration and the fantastic in Latouche's Fragoletta, Mérimée's La Vénus d’Ille and Lokis

Alexandra Jeleva

Université de Sofia , Bulgaria


The paper analyses three works having employed a similar narrative strategy which triggers tension between the explicable and inexplicable and an interpretative crisis that allows a fantastic reading of the fictional text. This strategy is related to the paradoxical statute of the narrator due to which the reader is faced with an incomplete elliptic account because of the former’s reluctance (or impossibility) to offer a definite interpretation of the events.


narrative strategy, interpretative crisis, fantastic reading, clue, paralipse

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Jeleva, A. “Un Silence éloquent : Narration Et Fantastique Dans Fragoletta (1829) De Latouche Et La Vénus d’Ille (1837) Et Lokis (1869) De Mérimée”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 7, Dec. 2017, pp. 43-50, doi:10.31743/ql.154.

Alexandra Jeleva
Université de Sofia


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