The Weighting of the Bets of des Grieux and Manon Lescaut

Servanne Woodward

Université de Western Ontario , Canada


Spinoza considers how to even out wagers in a game of chance when the players have uneven means, compared to one another. It has already been observed by critics, that in the novel by Prévost, Manon Lescaut (1731, 1753), the hero and his lover do not play their games in the same manner, either in society or at the gambling house. They also do not weather the same losses. In fact, des Grieux wins even when he no longer cheats. Instead of following the logic of punishments, such as the Christian condemnation of gambling and promiscuity, or Prévost ’s own perspective of the abbot over his tale, it seems more relevant to consider that des Grieux attempts to pursue his case and correct chance to arrive at his desired outcome of earthly pleasure and fulfilment, by legal or illegal means. No matter the exhaustive efforts of des Grieux, their gamble to remain a couple backfires miserably. Manon dies; and he is left to follow the path devised by his family, and a role securing a suitable, comfortable happiness instead of blissful love.


Prévost, Manon Lescaut, wager, probabilities, loss, social class, gambling

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Woodward, S. “La pondération Des Mises De Des Grieux Et De Manon Lescaut”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 13, Dec. 2023, pp. 27-37, doi:10.31743/ql.16856.

Servanne Woodward
Université de Western Ontario


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