Diderot and Rameau’s Nephew: The Uncertain Outcome of a Role-Playing Game

Aude Lecimbre

Université de Lille , France


By requiring us to think the notion of play in his dramaturgical aspect, the main purpose of this paper is to shed light on the question of the individuality of the character of the Nephew in Rameau’s Nephew. The field of the theatre and performing arts is of great importance in Diderot’s texts. Therefore, in Rameau’s Nephew, through the dialogue between Him and Me, the question of the theatrical space and the structure of the text are coupled with a questioning of the “I” of the characters. We want to observe, in this paper, the way in which the theme of play in Rameau’s Nephew illuminates the theatrical space and the structure. The character of the Nephew is only an actor. He laughs at the Philosopher and subverts the materialist point of view, as much as philosophical practice.


Denis Diderot, game, philosophy, individuality, dramaturgy

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Lecimbre, A. “Diderot Et Le Neveu De Rameau, Un je(u) De rôle à l’issue Incertaine”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 13, Dec. 2023, pp. 38-47, doi:10.31743/ql.16857.


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