The Deregulated Game of Burlesque: from The Comic Novel (1651) to Molloy (1951)
Joël Loehr
Université des Études Internationales du Sichuan , China
There is no fiction in narrative prose that testifies to a playful intentionality more manifest than a “comic story”: this article illustrates it by first analyzing the strategies of Scarron, master of the game, in the burlesque incipit of The Comic Novel. Spanning the three centuries that separate the publication of Scarron’s novel (1651) from that of Molloy (1951), not without underlining the impact that silent cinema has had on the means and effects of burlesque in a fiction in narrative prose, we then question Beckett’s strategies, more complex or more equivocal, not only because the author seems to hide his game, sheltered from a narrating voice, but also because fiction, understood as “shared playful pretense”, then opens up to the registral interference of pathos.
Samuel Beckett, Paul Scarron, burlesque, playful intentionality, The Comic Novel, MolloyReferences
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Université des Études Internationales du Sichuan
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