Games and Stakes in Crommelynck’s The Magnificent Cuckoo

Françoise Bombard

Membre de l’Académie Giraudoux , France


Without any reason or clue, the main character, Bruno, is convinced that he is cuckolded to the point where he actually wants it to be true, to remove any doubts. This delusion results in words and deeds which come to involve his reason and his relationship to others. But in Le Cocu magnifique, the status of the game is multivocal. It is present in diegesis, but it also related to dramaturgy. We will see how Crommelynck plays with mimesis, with regard to the very notion of the character, through games of masks and double-dealing. Moreover, at the aesthetic level, language games meet with the research into modern poetry. Intertextual games with poetic and theatrical references subvert them through pastiche, and the playwright, playing with registers, upsets aesthetic categories.


Fernand Crommelynck, dramaturgy, language, lyricism, tragic, grotesque

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Bombard, F. “Jeux Et Enjeux Dans Le Cocu Magnifique De Crommelynck”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 13, Dec. 2023, pp. 107-19, doi:10.31743/ql.16863.

Françoise Bombard
Membre de l’Académie Giraudoux


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