The Game in the Novel Hors d’Atteinte? by Emmanuel Carrère: An Answer to Existential Angst?

Paméla Baës

Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale , France


At the casino, Frédérique abandons herself to the roulette wheel, which gives her a protective “out of reach” place. A moment of oblivion, gambling gives her intense vertigo and appears to be a form of abandonment, an act of revolt against the diktats of society. It is also defined as an ordalic practice, meaning that the character relies on chance. As a kind of pharmakon, the game provides a feeling of omnipotence, curbing the heroine’s anguish but also proving to be mortifying. Frédérique, the specular double of an author in the grip of ontological anguish, quickly slips into gambling madness. Is the game really beneficial? Does it have a cathartic effect on the character? Or, on the contrary, is it pure fantasy, an illusion incapable of fulfilling the heroine’s fantasies, except for a brief interlude outside reality?


Emmanuel Carrère, chance, ordalic, casino, game, pharmakon

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Baës, P. “Le Jeu Dans Le Roman Hors d’Atteinte ? d’Emmanuel Carrère : Une réponse à l’angoisse Existentielle ?”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 13, Dec. 2023, pp. 162-7, doi:10.31743/ql.16868.

Paméla Baës
Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale


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