Forms of Game and Playing, and the Thematization of Ludic Reading Practices in Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt’s Short Stories

Antoaneta Robova

Université de Sofia « Saint Clément d ’Ohrid » , Bulgaria


Play, in its many forms and categories, is a connecting thread running through Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt’s poetics. The aim of this article is to study the ludic modalities of reading practices represented in the writer-philosopher’s short stories. Analyses of the thematization of playing, game and reading experiences are conducted through the prism of theories of reception and play. The significant cases of readers with psychotic or (post)bovarian tendencies, experienced or beginners, reveal various effects and uses of ludic reading and its possible drifts. The practices of different types of readers in fabula, whether pathological or beneficial, are studied with the aim of identifying ludic and game devices of this novelistic art with a singular childhood spirit.


Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt, short stories, games, playing, reading practices

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Robova, A. “Thématisation Et Dimensions Ludiques Des Pratiques De Lecture Dans Les Nouvelles d’Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 13, Dec. 2023, pp. 173-8, doi:10.31743/ql.16869.

Antoaneta Robova
Université de Sofia « Saint Clément d ’Ohrid »


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