Emile Zola’s chronicles as textual hybrids

Anna Kaczmarek-Wiśniewska

Université d’Opole , Poland


The journalistic part of Emile Zola’s work is often neglected by critics who usually focus on the writer’s novels and other texts of fiction. Nonetheless, these writings worth readers’ and critics’ attention because of their originality based on their hybrid character. This hybridism concerns their narrative forms, including ‘classical’ press chronicles, causeries (a kind of chat with the potential reader) and confidences of real or fictive persons. The identity of their author is also hybrid, combining some traits of a romantic, a positivist and a materialist. The outcome of such a mix of various attitudes towards the reality is a set of uncomparable texts of both anthropological and documentary value.


Zola, journalism, chronicle, hybridism

Becker C., Gourdin-Servenière G., Lavielle V. 1993. Dictionnaire d’Émile Zola. Sa vie, son œuvre, son époque. Paris. Laffont.

Bergson H. 2007. Le bon sens et les études classiques. http://lesgerboises.blogspot.com/2007/05/le-bon-sens-et-les-tudes-classiques.html. Page consultée le 15/09/2016.

Kulczycka-Saloni J. 1968. La personnalité du romancier dans l’œuvre de Zola. Europe 468-469. 83-91.

Le Blond-Zola D. 1968. Émile Zola raconté par sa fille. Paris. Grasset.

Wrona A. 2011. Zola journaliste. Articles et chroniques. Paris. Flammarion.

Zola É. 1969a. Chroniques et Polémiques I. Paris. Tchou.

Zola É. 1969b. Chroniques et Polémiques II suivies de Correspondance (choix). Paris. Tchou.

Zola É. 1983. L’Œuvre. Paris. Fasquelle.

Zola É. 1989. L’encre et le sang. Paris. Complexe.


Kaczmarek-Wiśniewska, A. “Les Chroniques Zoliennes – Hybrides Textuelles”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 6, Dec. 2016, pp. 27-34, doi:10.31743/ql.208.

Anna Kaczmarek-Wiśniewska  akaczmarek@uni.opole.pl
Université d’Opole


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