Cris des cœurs by Jean-Victor Pellerin, as an exemple of hybrid play

Tomasz Kaczmarek

Université de Łódź , Poland


Cris des cœurs by Jean-Victor Pellerin consists of the three parts, each of them corresponds to a different genre: melodrama, tragedy and misterium. Rejecting the reality, the writer resignes also from the scene’s materiality what leads him as a consequence to the deconstruction of the space-time’s categories. Traditional drama’s division on act and scenes is replaced by the loose images (tableaux) where the dreamy visions mingle with reality. Puting the pressure on oniric dimension of a play, the playwright prepares the area for a break of characters who moving in a hostile and an unspecified world without the laws of physics, get going in quest for the lost identity. Breaking the unity of action and psychological consistency of a character, Pellerin presents the crisis of a temporary human being, moreover by using heterogenic forms, he shows this crisis in ist best.


Jean-Victor Pellerin, hybrid, tableau, expressionism, character

Du Gard M. M. 1932. Soirées de Paris, le théâtre et la vie. Paris. Flammarion.

Pellerin J.-V. 1928. Cris des cœurs. Masques, douzième cahier.

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Kaczmarek, T. “Cris Des cœurs De Jean-Victor Pellerin, Exemple d’une pièce Hybride”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 6, Dec. 2016, pp. 65-73, doi:10.31743/ql.213.

Tomasz Kaczmarek
Université de Łódź


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