Reproducible and artistic techniques in The Work in Black Yourcenar: transposition and communicative reference

Hanae Abdelouahed

Université Mohammed Ier, Oujda , Morocco


Marguerite Yourcenar’s novel The Work in Black provides descriptions of artwork. Fingerprints artistic figurations in his novel become both a text and materiality of Intermediality Ut Pictura poesis. How is formed the symbiosis of the diegesis and Ekhprasis in the novel by Marguerite Yourcenar? Mannerist processes allow the author to play on two different display modes: the text and the image called by the text. How is this transposition within the Work in Black, a novel supposed to represent social circles of the Renaissance by taking the idea to Breughel and simultaneously echo the turpitude where there the contemporary world. Communication between the image and the text does not only nesting but also a representation that is created as a space, an "inner distance" in the words of Georges Poulet, which makes the work a bet abyss in the search for the essence the art work, the philosopher's stone which is the original experience of vision. The curveball opens an "inner space" as Claude Edmonde Magny analysis allowing the novel to open and expand this optical illusion, create connections, secret architectures. We will try to develop these problems merging form of osmosis The work at Black Yourcenar, at the intersection of disciplines and critical approaches that think the work of art in its many meanings and semiotic richness.


ekphrasis, mannerism, Ut Pictura poesis, medium, artefact

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Abdelouahed, H. “Techniques Reproductibles Et Artistiques Dans L’Œuvre Au Noir De Marguerite Yourcenar : Transposition Et référence Communicative”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 5, Dec. 2015, pp. 139-47, doi:10.31743/ql.247.

Hanae Abdelouahed
Université Mohammed Ier, Oujda


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