Images and narration in Dany Laferrière’s work

Paola Ghinelli

Université de Modena e Reggio Emilia , Italy


Narrative developments often stem from images in Dany Laferrière’s work. On the other hand, some of the narration in Laferrière’s fiction and nonfiction is synthesized in narrative snapshots that resemble descriptions. Temporal dimension plays a key role in this constant shift between image and imagination, because, as Didi-Huberman has shown, images carry an anachronistic element. This element also allows Laferrière and his narrators to use mainly simple present tense, even when the content of the narration is set in the past. Nevertheless, images are never explained or rationalized in Laferrière’s work, which keeps the mystery and ambiguity that characterize visual representations.


Laferrière, images, narration, time, present tense

Augustin. trad. Trabucco J. 1974. Les confessions. Paris. Flammarion.

Bal M. 2002. Descrizione, costruzioni di mondi e tempo della narrazione. In Moretti F. Il romanzo II- Le forme. Turin. Einaudi. 189-224.

Didi-Huberman G. 2000. Devant le temps : histoire de l’art et anachronisme des images. Paris. Minuit.

Ghinelli P. 2005. Archipels littéraires. Chamoiseau, Condé, Confiant, Brival, Maximin, Laferrière, Pineau, Dalembert, Agnant. Montréal. Mémoire d’encrier.

Laferrière D. 1991. L’Odeur du café. Montréal. VLB. Édition consultée : 1999, Montréal. Typo.

Laferrière D. 1996. Pays sans chapeau. Outremont. Lanctôt.

Laferrière D. 2011. Tout bouge autour de moi. Paris. Grasset et Fasquelle.

Laferrière D. 2014. L’art presque perdu de ne rien faire. Paris. Grasset et Fasquelle.


Ghinelli, P. “Images Et Narration Dans l’œuvre De Dany Laferrière”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 5, Dec. 2015, pp. 181-9, doi:10.31743/ql.251.

Paola Ghinelli
Université de Modena e Reggio Emilia


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