Lyricism of the vanity and vanity of the lyricism. A few examples of poetics of the 19th century, from Baudelaire to Laforgue

Sandra Glatigny

Université Rouen-Normandie, CEREdI , France


At its peak in the 17th century, Vanity, thanks to its codification, persists beyond that age favourable to its blossoming. Just as the religious and dogmatic dimension tends to fade in the 19th century, the symbols of vacuity and existential delusion are partly used again. Can we still talk about Vanity then, when the symbolic discourse is incomplete? From Baudelaire to Laforgue, the poetics of the 19th century bring about an axiological transfer which tends to annihilate the initial argumentative impact. Consequently, why revive a tradition which is apparently incompatible with the lyrical discourse? In fact, endowed with a metadiscursive dimension, Vanity seems to relate to the critical dynamic specific to the lyricism of the second half of the 19th century and contributes to renew it. Between seriousness and irony, the pictorial transposition of Vanity fosters an intersemiotic dialogue which makes room for another method of transmission of feelings.


critical lyricism, metadiscursive, deconstructing

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Glatigny, S. “Lyrisme De La Vanité Et Vanité Du Lyrisme. Quelques Exemples De poétiques Du XIXe siècle, De Baudelaire à Laforgue”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 8, Dec. 2018, pp. 99-115, doi:10.31743/ql.3484.

Sandra Glatigny
Université Rouen-Normandie, CEREdI


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