The tramp and outcast in Laurent Gaudé’s work or the hobo as a social outcast figure

Donia Boubaker

Université de Cergy-Pontoise/Université de Manouba , France


Partly a tramp and partly an outcast, the hobo as a character in Laurent Gaudé's imagination and fiction is a multi-faceted figure, a metaphor for modern world crisis. Resorting to a sort of primitive morality, he elects to break away from a universe of exclusion, alienating individuals to the point of stripping them off of their humanity and he ultimately becomes a hobo. His wanderings become a form of resistance to repressive normality and the Gaudean tramp evolves into a social rebel figure.


hobo, outcast, rebel, exclusion, alienation, resistance, primitive morality

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Boubaker, D. “Marginalité Et Errance Dans l’œuvre De Laurent Gaudé : Le Vagabond Comme Figure De La Rupture”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 4, Dec. 2014, pp. 164-72, doi:10.31743/ql.4584.

Donia Boubaker
Université de Cergy-Pontoise/Université de Manouba


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