Georges Bataille and Hubert Aquin and the « Left Sacred »

Candy Hoffmann

Université Paris IV-Sorbonne / Université de Montréal , Canada


Georges Bataille and Hubert Aquin both explore a mystical experience displaying strong similarities, related to what Roger Caillois called « left sacred », that is the impure, malefic sacred, which is accessible by transgression and corresponds to the privileged moment of unity between people. For Bataille, God is absent, even dead: Lamma sabachtani is no longer a question but an assertion in his essays. The object of his new mystical theology is not God, but « the unknown». The divine is reduced to the human, transcendence to immanence. The goal is to free the mystical experience from its religious background and to make ecstasy accessible to every-one. It is precisely by communicating that men can break their isolation and unite themselves with others. « Eroticism of bodies » and « eroticism of hearts » are two of the experiences proposed by Bataille which lead to the sacred. Hubert Aquin is also fascinated by the « left sacred », by eroticism in particular, but it represents for him a temptation which eliminates from the « right sacred » Jesus Christ and perfection He is, for Aquin, the absolute corresponding to the communion between the human being and the Son of God ; it consists in being reborn and in living in “the Christ of the Revelation”.


Georges Bataille, Hubert Aquin, Left Sacred, transgression, eroticism

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Saint-Martin L. 1984. Mise à mort de la femme et libération de l’homme : Godbout, Aquin, Beaulieu. Voix et Images. 10/1. 107-117.

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Hoffmann, C. “Le « Sacré Gauche » Chez Georges Bataille Et Hubert Aquin”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 3, Dec. 2013, pp. 85-92, doi:10.31743/ql.4608.

Candy Hoffmann
Université Paris IV-Sorbonne / Université de Montréal


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