The Poetry of Philippe Jaccottet: repairing absence, near the frontier with God

Sophie Guermès

Université de Bretagne occidentale , France


In 1961 Philippe Jaccottet wrote: "The best answer to all kinds of questions is the poem’s very absence of a response". In keeping with the elusive nature of the world, abandoned by the gods and by God, the poem remains mysterious, thus trans-lating as well as preserving the inexhaustible richness of Nature and human beings. So the poet not only accepts such a precarious situation, but learns from it. Nevertheless, when someone dear dies, the poet tends to deny the absence of the loved one and revolts against it, since there no longer are any signs of presence: merely incomprehensible absence. Yet he chooses to bear witness, even if he remains ignorant and weak. In effect, this is a duty: poetry provides a link which enables the separation to avoid becoming a definitive absence. Words are repairing shuttles.


Philippe Jaccottet, poetry, religion, absence, question

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Guermès, S. “La poésie De Philippe Jaccottet : Réparer l’absence, « à La frontière De Dieu »”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 2, Dec. 2012, pp. 101-15, doi:10.31743/ql.4631.

Sophie Guermès
Université de Bretagne occidentale


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