The absence of a brother in Le Dicôlon of Yannis Kiourtsakis

Christophe Premat

Université de Stockholm , Sweden


Yannis Kiourtsakis wrote Le Dicôlon, an autobiographical novel which describes all the important events for the Kiourtsakis family throughout the twentieth century. The novel is written under the spell of the author’s brother’s absences as he committed suicide. The experience of an irremediable loss echoes the collective destiny of Greece. The article focuses on the conditions of the staging of this loss with an analysis of different types of narration. In which way is the autobiographical genre affected by the writing of the death?


loneliness, Odyssey, absence, exile, death, Kiourtsakis

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Premat, C. “L’absence d’un frère Dans Le Dicôlon De Yannis Kiourtsaki”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 2, Dec. 2012, pp. 134-43, doi:10.31743/ql.4634.

Christophe Premat
Université de Stockholm


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