Disappearance of novel elements in Adèle by Charles Nodier

Andrzej Rabsztyn

Université de Silésie , Poland


This paper deals with intentional breakaway of novel elements in romantic story published in 1820. On the one hand, the book belongs to the rich tradition of epistolary, on the other, it also gives un example of how formal borders can be transgressed between novel composed of letters and novel written as intimate diary, what leads to the disappearance of typical novel elements in texts from the turn of XVII and XVIII c. This absence of fiction appears firstly in paratext (especially in preface to the novel), where the author presents his own concept of novel, and then in letters.


epistolary novel, hybrid form, early Romanticism, Nodier

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Rabsztyn, A. “Absence Du Romanesque Dans Le Roman Hybride De Charles Nodier – Adèle”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 1, Dec. 2011, pp. 23-31, doi:10.31743/ql.4643.

Andrzej Rabsztyn  arabsztyn@wp.pl
Université de Silésie


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