The master and his disciple in Henri Chateau’s Manuel de l’arriviste, or how to become an arrivé

Anna Hanotte-Zawiślak

Sorbonne Université, CRLC , France


Even the form of Henri Chateau’s novel, published in 1901, emphasizes the relationship between a master and his disciple. It uses autobiographical narrative and is based on the advice given by the arrivé to his young follower. The subject places the book among, what we call, arriviste novels – a category of the realist novel developed in 19th century, whose beginnings can be traced back to Stendhal and Balzac. Nevertheless, the structure of the narrative is singular and questions the very principle of arrivisme, inseparable from individualism. This paradox requires a reconsideration of the idea of teaching in such conditions. Our paper analyses the arriviste’s education process and presents the benefits and risks of the relationship between the master and his disciple. 


arriviste, Chateau, autobiographical narrative, master, arrivé

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Hanotte-Zawiślak, A. “Le maître Et Son Disciple Dans Le Manuel De l’arriviste d’Henri Chateau Ou Comment Devenir Un Arrivé”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 9, Dec. 2019, pp. 90-101, doi:10.31743/ql.5013.

Anna Hanotte-Zawiślak
Sorbonne Université, CRLC


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