Roland Barthes’ impact on the Hustonian cross-border universe

Ana Maria Alves

Institut Polytechnique de Bragance – ESE, CLLC , Portugal


We intend to demonstrate Roland Barthes’ influence of on the work of Nancy Huston. Barthes, a theorist who led the academic work of Nancy Huston, fascinated his Canadian student who chose French as the language of her writings, because she assigned to it the function of liberation.

Our intention is to ascertain whether Nancy Huston's career is, in fact, contained within her mentor’s structuralist framework, or whether it can be interpreted as an insubordinate act of criticism for the structuralist wave. We will try to understand Huston's attitude towards the master whose rigidity paralyzed all her attempts at writing, and also the fact that after Huston all romantic constructions seemed inaccessible.


border, identity, otherness, imprint, appropriation, insubordination, Roland Barthes, Nancy Huston

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Alves, A. M. “L’empreinte De Roland Barthes Sur l’univers Frontalier Hustonien”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 9, Dec. 2019, pp. 138-45, doi:10.31743/ql.5017.

Ana Maria Alves
Institut Polytechnique de Bragance – ESE, CLLC


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