Dialectical demystification and semantic reconstruction of the master-disciple dyad in Francis Bebey's L'Enfant-pluie

Pierre Suzanne Eyenga Onana

Université de Yaoundé I , Cameroon


In Francis Bebey's L'Enfant-pluie, the learner Mwana is burning with the desire to grow up. Weaned almost from his parents, he is forced to live in the village with his grandmother Iyo. He bases his daily sapiential quest on a repetitive questioning that he formulates towards his master. But beyond the child's fascination and in the face of the immensity of the training modules, what types of links do they singularize their relationship with Iyo? A didactic support for the teacher or simply a guidance for the learner? By backing our analysis with the phenotext-genotext diptych that underlies Edmond Cros' sociocritical approach, we organize our work into two main parts. First, we examine the thematic components that articulate Mwana's learning by showing each time how the artist-writer stylizes this theme to finally question the vision of the world he posits through his writing.



demythisation, didactic support, dialectic, sociocritical, world view, Francis Bebey

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Eyenga Onana, P. S. “Démythisation Dialectique Et Reconstruction sémantique De La Dyade maître-Disciple Dans L’Enfant-Pluie De Francis Bebey”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 9, Dec. 2019, pp. 146-57, doi:10.31743/ql.5018.

Pierre Suzanne Eyenga Onana  eyonapiers@gmail.com
Université de Yaoundé I https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2001-4472


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