A Portrait by Léon Bonnat. Republican politicians on stage

Florence Fix

Université de Lorraine , France


Before World War 1, French painter Léon Bonnat became famous by portraying celebrities, among which almost every leading politician in the newly founded Republic. His academic and dark style however was criticized by art critics and humourists; hence his portraits put on stage in character comedies have to be read as critics of the very people they represent and of himself as an official artist.


French Third Republic, Bonnat, Feydeau, Mirbeau, Official Portraits

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Fix, F. “Mon Portrait Par Bonnat : Imaginaire scénique De l’homme Politique républicain”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 5, Dec. 2015, pp. 89-97, doi:10.31743/ql.241.

Florence Fix  florence.fix@gmail.com
Université de Lorraine


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