The women’s fashion of the second half of the 19th century in caricature

Zofia Stępińska-Kucza

Université de Varsovie , Poland


The present paper analyzes the relationship between the caricature and the women’s fashion of the second half of the 19th century. The period was favorable for fashion caricature, because, while reflecting the political, economic and social transformations of the time, the clothing trends endorsed at the time by fashion magazines were based on the exaggeration and distortion that we identify among the weapons of humorists. The first part of the paper focuses on the graphical representation of fashion, in particular of the crinoline, and aims to discover the messages hidden in those illustrations. The second part analyzes the motif of the fashion and the clothing in the Bertall’s satirical text, Comédie de notre temps, and tries to define the image of the woman at that time and her role in the French bourgeois society.


caricature, satire, fashion, crinoline, woman, Bertall

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Stępińska-Kucza, Z. “La Mode féminine De La Seconde Moitié Du XIXe siècle Dans La Caricature Iconographique Et littéraire”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 10, Dec. 2020, pp. 133-44, doi:10.31743/ql.11538.

Zofia Stępińska-Kucza
Université de Varsovie


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