L’écriture détournée par la sérigraphie dans les poèmes-estampes de Roland Giguère

Emmanuelle Pelard

Université du Luxembourg , Luxembourg


The surrealist Quebec poet, painter and artists’ books editor Roland Giguère has based his entire work on a dialogue between poetry and visual arts (painting, serigraphy, typography) in order to experiment the iconicity of writing. He has composed a graphic poetry made of plastic and iconic signs as well as graphic signs, playing with the semiotic ambiguity to create poetic effects and sense. His polysemiotic experiment of the poem based on a specific use of serigraphy has impacted the readability, but has paradoxically shown a new kind of poeticity and the expressiveness of writing. The aim of this article is to establish how the writing subversion and the semiotic experiment allowed by an original use of serigraphy creates poetry.

Mots-clés :

Quebec surrealism, Roland Giguère, graphic poetry, poetic serigraphy, semiotic experiment

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Pelard, E. « L’écriture détournée Par La sérigraphie Dans Les poèmes-Estampes De Roland Giguère ». Quêtes littéraires, nᵒ 6, décembre 2016, p. 108-17, doi:10.31743/ql.218.

Emmanuelle Pelard  emmanuelle.pelard@uni.lu
Université du Luxembourg


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