Main Reasons for Introducing Restrictions on Mixed Marriages in Selected Ancient Authors and in Ecclesiastical Synodal Canons


Marriage and the family as institutions belong to the natural order in every culture, because they constituted the basis for the functioning of society in many of the most important dimensions of its functioning. It should be noted, however, that in each environment you can find the phenomenon of mixed marriages as well as the existing restrictions in contracting them. Various motives resulted in the introduction of restrictions on entering into mixed marriages. They can be broadly divided into several groups: the threats related to the professed faith were particularly disapproved of, which can be seen in the Judaic and Christian traditions, while in ancient Rome there are noticeable restrictions related to the relationship between free and liberated people, relations between senators and their descendants up to the third degree and a person with a bad reputation, such as an actress or a prostitute, the relationship between the guardian and the ward, and finally the relationship between an active soldier and, for example, a woman from a Roman province. In ancient Israel, the motive for restricting mixed marriages was to preserve the identity of the nation and preserve pure monotheistic faith and worship against widespread idolatrous practices. Similarly, in Christianity, from the very beginning, concern for the purity of the faith was a guiding idea not only for Christian authors of the first four centuries, but also for synod participants who spoke about disciplinary matters. Marriage was forbidden with Gentiles (especially with pagan priests), Jews and heretics. Clergy at various levels were also restricted, who were not allowed to marry a widow, prostitute, or actress of another person of dubious reputation.


mixed marriages, synods, Church Fathers, restrictions, Old Testament, New Testament, ancient Rome, ancient Greece

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