The Emergence of the Idea of Voluntary Poverty in the Patristic Church: Key Questions

Dariusz Antoni Kasprzak

Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II , Poland


From the analyzed patristic texts (I to VI AC), it can be concluded that for the Fathers of the Church, when considering the issues of poverty, the most important thing was the conviction that God alone is the Lord of everything and everyone. There were are two main theological consequences to this. First, belonging to God's Kingdom was not the same as having riches on earth. With time, the appropriate use of goods became increasingly emphasized in Christian theology. Secondly, if God was the absolute owner of matters, then for Christians who are brothers in Christ, only the community of goods is proper. The reference to the example of Christ as being poor began at the turn of the third and fourth centuries. Since the emergence of the first cenobic communities in the Church, i.e. from the 4th century onwards, a form of ascetic renunciation of the owning of property started to be promoted. Since the 6th century obedience took over as the supreme virtue of cenobitism, and voluntary poverty was made subordinate to it.


voluntary poverty, patristic Church, virtue of cenobitism

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Dariusz Antoni Kasprzak
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II


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