The Concept of Patristic Mariology of Christopher Basil Butler

Kazimierz Pek

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland , Poland


In 1962, during the first session of Vatican II, it was decided by a small number of votes that the teaching regarding the Mother of the Lord should be placed in the constitution on
the Church. Basil Christopher Butler (1902-1986), a Benedictine abbot from England, was one of those who prepared the draft for the Mariological document. He received support from the English episcopate. Christopher Butler showed, through biblical and above all patristic sources, that the Mother of Christ ought to be seen in the perspective of salvation history. His patristic concept depended upon the ancient figure of the new Eve, who stands as the model of the Church. He pointed to many writings of the Church Fathers. They were used in the eighth chapter of Lumen Gentium. Meanwhile, in the first council drafts on Mary, there were few patristic references. Worthy of attention is that Christopher Butler used the writings of J.H. Newman. Like him, he left Anglicanism for Catholicism. The patristic tradition of Anglicanism from the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries gave sufficient theological arguments that the Mother of God ought not be isolated from the teaching on the Church.


Patristic Mariology, Fathers of the Church, Christopher Basil Butler, John Henry Newman, Anglicanism, Catholicism, Vatican Council II

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Pek, K. (2021). Christophera B. Butlera koncept mariologii patrystycznej. Vox Patrum, 80, 329–348.

Kazimierz Pek
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland


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