Wisdom versus Ignorance – the Dispute over the Title Theotokos in the Light of "Ecclesiatical History" of Socrates of Constantinople


The conflict over the title given to Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, in fact the Christological dispute, involved the most important doctrinal issues considered in the fifth century. In turn, the message of Socrates from Constantinople, referring to the origin and course of this controversy, is the oldest source known to us, which gives an account on this subject. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Ecclesiastical History of Socrates from the point of view of its author on the course of events related to the dispute over the title Theotokos to which the teaching of Nestorius led. Socrates was very critical of the actions taken by Nestorius from the first days of his pontificate, seeing him as a troublemaker who was right punished at the Council of Ephesus. Nevertheless, he did not see Nestorius as a heretic, but seemed to accept the judgment of the Council of Ephesus which recognized him as such. Regarding the title Theotokos, he accepted the teaching of Origen. He mainly accused Nestorius of lack of education. Nestorius' opponents in Constantinople were also, according to Socrates, the wise men who knew how to reason correctly, which makes it possible to connect them with the circle of Troilos Sophist.


Socrates of Constantinople, Theotokos, Ephesus, Nestorius, Ecclesiastical History

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