Theatrical Visualization of Human Emotions as a Rhetorical Mean of Persuasion in the Homilies of Basil the Great on Human Vices

Mariusz Szram

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin ,


The presentation of various emotional states in a pictorial way, referring to visual impressions, characteristic of a theatrical performance, is a common practice of Basil the Great (d. 379) in his homilies on the vices of anger, jealousy, getting rich and drunkenness. The analysis of the homilies makes it possible to extract and discuss in this article three specific rhetorical means of persuasion that were used by the preacher to present human passions in a pictorial manner: 1) introducing dialogue scenes with the participation of characters embodying the criticized faults and displaying various feelings; 2) a plastic way of presenting the characters’ passions with the use of stage movement and elements of the scenery; 3) appealing to listeners as viewers and evoking emotions in them through visual impressions. With the help of these rhetorical means, Basil presented a kind of theatrical spectacle to his listeners, arousing in them a feeling of fear of falling into the slavery of the vices criticized by the preacher. As in the ancient Greek tragedy, Basil’s homiletic teachings, thanks to their visual elements, played the role of a kind of purification of the soul from bad sentiments related to addiction to moral defects.


Basil the Great, emotions, moral vices, early Christian preaching, rhetoric, theatre, visualization of message

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Szram, M. (2022). Teatralna wizualizacja ludzkich emocji jako retoryczny środek perswazji w homiliach Bazylego Wielkiego o ludzkich wadach. Vox Patrum, 82, 73–88.

Mariusz Szram
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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