Logoi in st. Maximus the Confessor as epistemological principles of relationship between God and the world

Mariia Hupalo

Український Католицький Університет , Ukraine


The knowledge of God and mystical union with Him is intimately connected with the concept of divine transcendence and immanence, His complete hidden­ness, unknowability and, at the same time, his participatedness, grace and eco­nomical coming-out toward creature. Interrelatedness of these lies at the core of St. Maximus the Confessor’s concept of logoi. In this article we focus on how the principles of creation and participation of creature in God function as episte­mological principles, according to which man can contemplate God in creatures and then move forward to direct contemplation and deifying participation in God. Special attention is paid to understanding logoi as an activity of God’s essence ad extra toward the created otherness. This activity brings existence, sense and identity to created beings and thus can be not only participated, but also known through natural contemplation.


logoi, knowledge of God, epistemological principles, natural contemplation, activity ad extra, participation

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Hupalo, M. (2018). Логоси у вченні св. Максима Ісповідника як епістемологічні принципи стосунку Бога з людиною і світом. Vox Patrum, 67, 149–165. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.3394

Mariia Hupalo 
Український Католицький Університет


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