The conception of instruction and upbringing in the early Christian school of Origen

Jerzy Duda

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie , Poland


Origen (about 185-254 AD) , an outstanding theologian and scholar who, after being banned from Alexandria, set up didaskaleion in Palestinian Caesarea. This term concerns not only the early Christian educational institution with a particular teaching and upbringing conception, but also the pointed by Adamantios thought stream. At his early educational stage Origen organised logic and dialectics classes. Next he lectured sciences, mainly mathematical ones. One important element of studies in didaskaleion was teaching ethics, based on the following four virtues: justice, prudence, moderation and courage. The scholar intended not so much to share theoretical knowledge about the quoted virtues but to help students shape their life policy based on them. The main subject touched upon by Adamantios was theology preceded by philosophy lectures. The echoes of the thought stream created in Origen’s School, in spite of the Scholar himself being condemned centuries later, have gone deeply into the ecclesial science and have borne fruit till today.


Origen, upbringing

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Duda, J. (2010). Koncepcja nauczania i wychowania we wczesnochrześcijańskiej szkole Orygenesa. Vox Patrum, 55, 171–182.

Jerzy Duda 
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie


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