The Celibacy of Clergymen – Legal Norms, its Motivations and the Practice in the Gallic Church from the Mid-Fourth to Mid-Sixth Century in the Light of Synodal Canons

Tadeusz Kołosowski

The Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw , Poland


In the beginning, the ancient Church understood celibacy as a state of being unmarried of one’s own free-will. Once, married men were admitted to the clerical state. From the mid-third century, unmarried men who were ordained, could not marry. From the fourth century, the formal law of celibacy was introduced prescribing a total sexual abstinence in relations with one’s wife. These legal norms were confirmed by numerous synods in Gaul to ensure their observance. Abstinence under celibacy is motivated mainly by a cult continence, the teaching of the Gospel and that of St. Paul the Apostle. Non-observance was sanctioned by different penalties, especially removal from the office and excommunication.


Celibacy, Ancient Church, Gaul, Councils, Canons

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Kołosowski, T. (2020). Celibat duchownych – normy prawne, jego motywacje i praktyka w Kościele galijskim od połowy IV do połowy VI w. w świetle kanonów synodów kościelnych. Vox Patrum, 75, 285–298.

Tadeusz Kołosowski
The Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw


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