God's Pedagogy in the Writings of the Church Fathers

Franciszek Drączkowski


The patristic vision of Catholic pedagogy most fully and clearly, in both global and detailed terms, appears in the doctrine of Clement of Alexandria, as it is shown in this article. other sources, contained in both Greek and Latin church fathers' works (like Tertullian, Gregory Thaumaturgos, Basil the Great, Jerome and Augustine), most often of a contributory nature, do not have the power of expression and clarity that we find in the thought of the Alexandrian. This is a thoroughly theocentric and christocentric vision, which can already be seen in the applied onomastics and pedagogical terminology. This is the "pedagogy of God", "the pedagogy of God's wisdom", "the pedagogy of Christ", whose purpose is "God's education" "education in Christ".


pedagogy, patristic, Clemens of Alexandria, Tertullian, Gregory Thaumaturgos, Basil the Great, Jerome, Augustine, Church Fathers, Fathers of the Church

Augustinus, In Evangelium Johannis tractatus
Augustinus Hipponensis, De catechizandis rudibus, PL 40 lub CCL 46, 121-178, tłum. W. Budzik, w: Św. Augustyn, Pisma katechetyczne, POK 10, Poznań 1929
Augustinus Hipponensis, De magistro, PL 32 lub CCL 29, Turnhout 1970, 151-203, tłum J. Modrzejewski, w: Św. Augustyn, Dialogi filozoficzne, t. 3, Warszawa 1953
Augustinus Hipponensis, De ordine, PL 32 lub CCL 29, 87-137, tłum. W. Seńko, w: Św. Augustyn, Dialogi filozoficzne, t. 1, Warszawa 1953
Basilius Caesariensis, Ad adulescentes de legendis libris gentilium, PL 31
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Hieronymus, Epistula, ed. I. Hilberg, CSEL 55, Vindobonae 1910, 290-305, tłum. J. Czuj: Św. Hieronim, Listy, II, Warszawa 1953
Hofmann F., Die Kirche bei Clemens von Alexandrien, w: Vitae et Veritati. Festgabe fur Karl Adam, Dusseldorf 1956
Joannes Chrysostomus, De educandis liberis, SCh 188
Joannes Chrysostomus, De inani gloria et de educandis liberis, ed. A.M. Malingrey, SCh 188, Paris 1972, tłum. W. Kania, w: Św. Jan Chryzostom, Wybór pism, PSP13, Warszawa 1974
Konstytucja dogmatyczna o Kościele „Lumen pentium"
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Tertullianus, De carne Christi
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Drączkowski, F. (2008). Pedagogia Boża w pismach Ojców Kościoła. Vox Patrum, 52(1), 137–155. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.6754

Franciszek Drączkowski 


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