The Miracles of St. Menas (according to the Manuscript IFAQ copte inv. 315-322)

Przemysław Piwowarczyk

Uniwersytet Śląski , Poland


The first collections of miracles wrought by Saint Means were assembled by clergy of Saint’s sanctuary in Abu Mina. Nowadays, we have to our disposal a wide range of collections preserved in a few languages, however, the Coptic tradition faithfully preserves the narratives with the utmost veracity of the historical detail. There are three Coptic Mss containing the miracles, but the MS IFAO, although incomplete, is the only once containing undamaged text. This set of miracles present interventions of the Saint made in favour of very diverse petitioners and is particularly focused on generosity towards sanctuary.


St. Menas, Coptic hagiography, miracles, translation, Coptic

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Piwowarczyk, P. (2021). Cuda św. Menasa (wg rękopisu IFAO copte inv. 315-322). Vox Patrum, 79, 523–540.

Przemysław Piwowarczyk
Uniwersytet Śląski


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