The Miracles of St. Mena according to the manuscript Pierpont Morgan Library M.590 (Coptic Literary Manuscript ID 221; Clavis Coptica 398)

Przemysław Piwowarczyk

Uniwersytet Śląski , Poland


The paper contains an introduction and translation of the oldest preserved MS of the Miracles of St. Menas. The collection has 17 miracles but, since the codex is heavily deteriorated, not all of them could have been edited. The last miracles in the collection are of the special interest as they are unattested in any other Coptic MS, the 17th miracle being absent even in the Greek collections. The translation puts together three separately edited parts of the text and for the first time presents them together;


Coptic hagiography, Saint Menas, miracle collections, translation

Bacot S., Quatre miracles de saint Ménas dans un manuscrit copte de l’Ifao (Inv. 315-322), „Bulletin de l'Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale” 111 (2011) 35-73;
Depuydt L., Catalogue of Coptic manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library, Leuven 1993;
Devos P., Les miracles de saint Ménas en éthiopien, w: Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi Etiopici (Roma, 2-4 aprile 1959), Roma 1960, s. 335-343 ;
P. Devos, Un récit des miracles de S. Ménas en copte et en éthiopien, AnBol 77 (1959), s. 156-157 (cud 11).
Devos P., Le juif et le chrétien, un miracle de Saint Ménas, AnBol 78 (1960), s. 275-308 ;
Drescher J., Apa Mena: A Selection of Coptic Texts Relating to St. Menas, Edited, with Translation and Commentary. Le Caire 1946;
Piwowarczyk P., Cuda św. Menasa według rękopisu IFAO copte inv. 315-322, VoxP (w druku);
Schenke G., Das Koptisch Hagiographische Dossier Des Heiligen Kolluthos: Arzt, Martyrer Und Wunderheiler, CSCO 650, Sub. 132, Lovanium 2013.


Piwowarczyk, P. (2021). Cuda św. Menasa według rękopisu Pierpont Morgan 590. Vox Patrum, 80, 395–418.

Przemysław Piwowarczyk
Uniwersytet Śląski


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