The Characterisation of Joseph by Matthew (Matt 1–2; 13:55)

Krzysztof Mielcarek

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The article presents the figure of Joseph and his place in the narrative by the first evangelist in Matt 1–2. Apart from the arguments for the unifying function of Mary’s spouse in the whole Infancy Narrative, the most important features of Joseph highlighted by Matthew are emphasised. Those include the attitude of the righteous man, the fact of belonging to the royal family of King David, the bond and similarity to the actions of the patriarchs, as well as the silent and ascetic nature of the spouse and parent. Despite many similarities to the Lukan narrative, the first evangelist stresses different aspects in his characterisation of Joseph. Using the tools proposed by Cornelis Bennema, the author of the paper also assesses the degree of characterisation of the person under study, his role in the narrative and his representative value for the modern reader.


Narrative by Matthew 1–2, Infancy Narrative, Joseph, characterisation, theology in Matthew

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Mielcarek, K. . (2023). The Characterisation of Joseph by Matthew (Matt 1–2; 13:55). The Biblical Annals, 13(2), 335–362.

Krzysztof Mielcarek
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Theologian, biblical scholar, born September 25th 1963 in Elbląg.

Theological studies in Lublin: BA - 1987;

postgraduate biblical studies 1987-1993 in Biblical Institute of KUL.

1989/1990 a year of research in Sweden (Holsbybrunn, Orebro, Uppsala). 

Ph.D.  in 1994: thesis entitled: "Jesus - Evangelizer of the poor", superivisor: rev. Prof. Józef Kudasiewicz at The Department of the New Testament Theology.

1997-1999 postgraduate studies in the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome (Italy) licentiate of biblical studies.

Postdoctoral degree obtained October 14th 2008.

Since 2014 an official commissioner from Roman Catholic Church (appointed by Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity) in the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches. 


Main research interest:

Lucan work (Luke-Acts) and LXX.


Over hundred articles and two monographies: Jezus - Ewangelizator ubogich [Jesus - Evangelizer of the poor], Lublin: AND, 1994 and Ιερουσαλημ, Ιεροσολυμα. Starotestamentowe i hellenistyczne korzenie Łukaszowego obrazu świętego miasta w świetle onomastyki greckiej [Old Testament and Hel­­le­ni­stic roots of the Lucan image of the Holy City in the light of Greek ono­ma­stics], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2008. Editor of many biblical festschrifts and collective works.


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