"The Biblical Annals" is the official scholarly journal of the Institute of Biblical Studies at the Faculty of Theology, the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. It is dedicated to biblical studies and it is divided into the following sections: Old Testament, Intertestamental Literature, New Testament, Varia, Review Articles, Book Reviews, and Biblical News. The journal covers fields of research such as biblical archeology, history, exegesis, philology, hermeneutics, literary studies, studies on culture and religion, and theological studies. It is aimed at presenting the research of Polish and international scholars focusing on problems and methodologies current in the contemporary biblical studies. The articles and reviews are published in Polish, English, Italian, French, Spanish and German. (więcej)

Current scoring of "The Biblical Annals"
Dear Authors, Reviewers, Readers and Contributors of The Biblical Annals,
we would like to inform you that according to the announcement of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education of 5 January 2024, the current scoring of the journal The Biblical Annals has been maintained at 200 points.
The Biblical Annals Editorial Team
"The Biblical Annals" in the Web of Science database!
We are happy to announce that the journal The Biblical Annals has been included in the Web of Science database and will be indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index. We would like to thank our Authors, Reviewers and all Contributors for your presence and working together!
New scoring of "The Biblical Annals"
Dear Authors, Reviewers, Readers and Contributors of The Biblical Annals,
We are pleased to announce that according to the announcement of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science of 17 July 2023, The Biblical Annals received 200 points.
Thank you for your presence and cooperation!
We wish to present a very high scientific level, creating a space for the publication of reliable research in the field of biblical studies, remaining in cooperation with the international community. We encourage creative cooperation and involvement in the service of biblical studies and submission of articles for the next issues of the journal.
The Biblical Annals Editorial Team
- Web of Science Core Collection (Emerging Sources Citation Index)
- ATLA Catholic Periodical and Literature Index (ATLA CPLI)
- ATLA Religion Database® (ATLA RDB®)
- ATLAS plus
- Biblioteka Nauki (Library of Science)
- Central European Journal of Social Siences and Humanities (CEJSH)
- Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
- Google Scholar
- Arianta
- Baza Artykułów Biblistyki Polskiej (BABP)
- Humanities Journals (BazHum)
- Index Copernicus (IC)
- Index Theologicus (IxTheo)
- New Testament Abstracts (NTA)
- Old Testament Abstracts (OTA)
- POL-Index
- Polska Bibliografia Naukowa (PBN)
- Repozytorium Instytucjonalne KUL
- Sherpa Romeo
The journal co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science within the programme "Rozwój czasopism naukowych" ("Development of scientific journals"). Contract no. RCN/SN/0411/2021/1 of 9th December 2022. Project duration: 1 December 2022 - 30 November 2024. The amount of co-financing is 112 475,70 PLN.
The aim of the programme is to support the Editorial Board of the journal "Biblical Annals" in the implementation of its development strategy, which includes activities raising the level of publishing and editorial practices, increasing the journal's impact on the development of science and maintaining the journal in the international academic circulation.