L’ospitalità negata e il disfacimento di una società: i casi emblematici di Lot a Sodoma in Gn 19 e del crimine di Gabaa in Gdc 19

Giovanni Rizzi

Pontificia Università Urbaniana , Italy


Hospitality is a widespread practice in the ancient Near East, also regulated by written legislation. Biblical legislation protects the orphan, the widow and the foreigner; but there is also an opposite tendency of not being able to accept the presence of pagan populations in the land of the fathers. The protocol of hospitality is a practice in the biblical world which never reached the form of written legislation, and which is presented as a set of literary motifs disseminated in numerous texts, without configuring a true and proper literary genre. The stories of Gen 19:1–29 and of Judg 19:11–30 are influenced by the dialectic between the two tendencies of the biblical world; what emerges from their comparison is the warning that the violation of the protocol of hospitality is an indication of the unravelling of the society. A canonical reading of the two biblical stories proposes as an example the behaviour of Abraham, who practices unconditional hospitality without limits.


hospitality, protocol of hospitality, foreigner, disintegration of a society

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Rizzi, G. (2023). L’ospitalità negata e il disfacimento di una società: i casi emblematici di Lot a Sodoma in Gn 19 e del crimine di Gabaa in Gdc 19. The Biblical Annals, 13(4), 519–545. https://doi.org/10.31743/biban.15078

Giovanni Rizzi  giovanni.rizzi.ferruccio@gmail.com
Pontificia Università Urbaniana https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2477-5156


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