The Intermediate State: Revelation 6:9–11 and 20:4–6, 13 in the Light of Daniel 12:2, 13

Bohdan Kuryliak

University of Zurich , Switzerland

Ihor Kuryliak

University of Zurich , Switzerland


In the Book of Revelation, John sees souls under the altar, who then come to life (Rev 6:9–11; 20:4–6, 13). The passages describing the scene are often used as arguments to confirm the existence of a conscious state after death. This article criticises this dualistic interpretation and argues that Dan 12:2, 13 are verses of high importance for the correct interpretation of Rev 6:9–11 and 20:4–6, 13. The article discusses the six parallels between these texts and, based on the Old Testament background, shows that the word ψυχή in Rev 6:9–11 means “blood,” which represents the slain martyrs. The article argues that the teaching on the state of the dead in the Books of Daniel and Revelation is based on a holistic anthropological concept.


Rev 6.9–11, Dan 12.2, 13, intermediate state, resurrection, souls under altar, Book of Daniel, Book of Revelation

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Kuryliak, B., & Kuryliak, I. (2025). The Intermediate State: Revelation 6:9–11 and 20:4–6, 13 in the Light of Daniel 12:2, 13. The Biblical Annals, 15(1), 145–164.

Ihor Kuryliak 
University of Zurich


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