Penitential Interpretation of the Johannine Foot-washing. Part 1: Sacramental Interpretations against the Background of Current Explanations of John 13:1-20

Adam Kubiś

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin ,


The article deals with the Johannine narrative on the foot-washing, giving a critical review of the current scholarship on the interpretation of Jesus’ gesture (Part 1) and adding a new argument in favor of a penitential reading of the pericope (Part 2). The first part of the study presents status quaestionis, summarizing various interpretations, distilled into three categories: (1) naturalistic or socio-cultural, (2) symbolic, and (3) sacramental. This initial survey starts with a review of all possible ancient cultural contexts, both pagan and Jewish, in which foot-washing occurred, followed by various possible readings of the pericope based on these backgrounds; our analysis suggests that the purely naturalistic explanations do not resolve satisfactorily all the complexities of the text. Next, at least fifteen arguments are enumerated in favor of a symbolic interpretation, with  a short survey of noteworthy examples of this approach. Then, various sacramental readings are presented, with a special focus on the baptismal explanation, which indeed has held the most prominent position among the sacramental interpretations within the historical exegesis of the text.


foot-washing, John 13:1-20, baptism, penance, sin

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Kubiś, A. (2018). Interpretacja pokutna Janowego opisu obmycia stóp uczniom przez Jezusa. Cz. 1: Interpretacje sakramentalne na tle współczesnych wyjaśnień J 13,1-20. The Biblical Annals, 8(3), 379–420.

Adam Kubiś
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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