Paul’s Death and Resurrection in Acts 27–28? A Literary Comparison with the Gospel of Luke

Vadim Wittkowsky

Humboldt University Berlin , Germany


It was claimed more than once that the journey of Paul and his landing on the shore of Malta in the last two chapters of the Book of Acts can be interpreted as a theological parallel to the account of death and resurrection of Jesus. There are, to be sure, some reasonable arguments in favor of that, such as close relationship between death and death risk or similarities to the journey of Jonah. But can it be convincingly argued that Luke really did intend a parallelism of this kind in Acts 27-28? The paper deals with literary elements of Luke 23-24 in order to make this hypothesis more conclusive.


Luke 23-24, Acts 27-28, Book of Jonah, Biblical Rewriting, Literary Comparison

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Wittkowsky, V. (2019). Paul’s Death and Resurrection in Acts 27–28? A Literary Comparison with the Gospel of Luke. The Biblical Annals, 10(1), 93–101.

Vadim Wittkowsky
Humboldt University Berlin


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