Resurrection and God’s Kingship in Tobit 13

The Role of Tob 13:2 in Its Context

Ibolya Balla

Pápa Reformed Theological Seminary , Hungary


Tob 13:2 is found in the context of the hymn of praise of Tobit in Tobit 13. The chapter contains a Zion Song in 13:9-18 addressed to Jerusalem, similar to those found especially in Ap Zion (11QPsa XXII 1-15]) and Bar 4:30-5:9. The latter two do not have the idea of resurrection that appears in Tob 13:2, which in its immediate context (v. 1-8) is closely connected with 13:9-18. The paper aims at providing an overview of Tobit 13 in the context of the book and in relation to Ap Zion (11QPsa XXII 1-15) and Bar 4:30–5:9, while summing up the most important differences of the three Zion songs and attempting to explain the presence of the idea of resurrection in Tobit 13. The main arguments are as follows: the appearance of the concept of resurrection in relation to that of God’s kingship in proximity to a Zion song has to do – among others – with the characteristic content of Tobit’s and his family’s storyline in Tobit 1–12 and with the concern to combine notions of national and personal fate. The study refers to some of the scriptural influences on Tobit 13 and their significance, and treats the questions of the author’s view on God’s kingship, authority and on retribution at a national and individual level.


resurrection, restoration, God’s kingship, Second Temple Zion songs

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Balla, I. (2019). Resurrection and God’s Kingship in Tobit 13. The Biblical Annals, 9(3), 447–462.

Ibolya Balla
Pápa Reformed Theological Seminary


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