M. Wolter, The Gospel According to Luke: Volume I (Luke 1–9:50) [Baylor-Mohr Siebeck Studies in Early Christianity] (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press 2016)

Krzysztof Wojciech Mielcarek

Institute of Biblical Science, Faculty of Theology, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The paper is a review of the two-volume-work of Michael Wolter. English version of his commentary is a valuable work directed to biblical scholars as well as students and wider groups of readers. The analysis focuses especially on the introduction: i.e. the concept of the commentary, its general structure, both author’s and reader’s identity, as well as the theological vision of the Lukan work. The formal feature of the commentary is also evaluated. The last part of the paper gives few examples of Wolter’s approach toward particular pericopes along with some critical observations concerning minor deficiencies or disputable solutions.


Gospel of Luke, Luke's theology, Lukan work, exegetical commentary

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Mielcarek, K. W. (2019). Michael Wolter, The Gospel According to Luke: Volume I (Luke 1–9:50) [Baylor-Mohr Siebeck Studies in Early Christianity] (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press 2016). The Biblical Annals, 9(4), 739–748. https://doi.org/10.31743/biban.4838

Krzysztof Wojciech Mielcarek  krzysztof.mielcarek@kul.pl
Institute of Biblical Science, Faculty of Theology, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Theologian, biblical scholar, born September 25th 1963 in Elbląg.

Theological studies in Lublin: BA - 1987;

postgraduate biblical studies 1987-1993 in Biblical Institute of KUL.

1989/1990 a year of research in Sweden (Holsbybrunn, Orebro, Uppsala). 

Ph.D.  in 1994: thesis entitled: "Jesus - Evangelizer of the poor", superivisor: rev. Prof. Józef Kudasiewicz at The Department of the New Testament Theology.

1997-1999 postgraduate studies in the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome (Italy) licentiate of biblical studies.

Postdoctoral degree obtained October 14th 2008.

Since 2014 an official commissioner from Roman Catholic Church (appointed by Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity) in the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches. 


Main research interest:

Lucan work (Luke-Acts) and LXX.


Over hundred articles and two monographies: Jezus - Ewangelizator ubogich [Jesus - Evangelizer of the poor], Lublin: AND, 1994 and Ιερουσαλημ, Ιεροσολυμα. Starotestamentowe i hellenistyczne korzenie Łukaszowego obrazu świętego miasta w świetle onomastyki greckiej [Old Testament and Hel­­le­ni­stic roots of the Lucan image of the Holy City in the light of Greek ono­ma­stics], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2008. Editor of many biblical festschrifts and collective works. 



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