Prawda o Bogu i Jego planie dla Izraela w Ps 105 i 106

Mykhaylyna Kľusková

Uniwersytet Katolicki w Rużomberku , Słowacja


The aim of the paper is to present the truth of God and his plan for Israel as it is shown in Psalm 105 and 106. The article is divided into three main parts. As the first step is given general characteristic of both texts. In the second and third is proposed detailed analyse of the psalmic understanding of God and his plan for Israelites. The end of the article consists of conclusion which takes into account the message of both texts read as continuum. In light of the psalms God is mainly seen as faithful to the covenant with Abraham (Ps 105) and full of graciousness towards his people (Ps 106). His plan for Israel is its existence in the Promised Land seen as a place free of foreign influence and managed by God’s laws.

Słowa kluczowe:

Psałterz, psalm historyczny, psalmy bliźniacze, Ps 105, Ps 106, przymierze, Boża wierność, Boża łaskawość, grzech

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Kľusková, M. (2017). Prawda o Bogu i Jego planie dla Izraela w Ps 105 i 106. The Biblical Annals, 7(2), 207–233. Pobrano z

Mykhaylyna Kľusková
Uniwersytet Katolicki w Rużomberku


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