The Firmament and Celestial Bodies as Witnesses of God (Sir 43:1-12)

Andrzej Piwowar

Instytut Nauk Biblijnych KUL , Poland


Sir 43:1-12 constitutes the first section of the major part of the hymn celebrating the Creator (42:15–43:33). It is a poetic commentary on the fourth day of creation as depicted in the Book of Genesis (Gen 1:14-19). In his depiction of the firmament, sun, moon, stars and rainbow, Sirach emphasizes their beauty in a manner unparalleled in the whole Bible. This does not serve cosmological aims (the sage’s motive is not the transmission of knowledge about the structure and functioning of the cosmos – celestial bodies) but has clear theological precepts and message. The pericope’s aim is to present and glorify God as the Creator. The firmament, celestial bodies and rainbow are tools through which the sage conveys knowledge of God’s might, greatness, wisdom and beauty. All of these entities derive from God (cf. 43:33) and lead to him. Sir 43:1-12 has a clear polemical character, visible in questioning the beliefs of other cultures and religions – which posited celestial bodies as deities or realities that could exert substantial influence on human beings (astrology) – or of some Jewish groups which did not use lunar calendar.


Sir 42, 15–43, 33, Sir 43, 1-12, creation, the Creator, the firmament (the sky), the sun, the moon, stars, rainbow

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Piwowar, A. (2017). Firmament i ciała niebieskie świadkami Boga (Syr 43,1-12). The Biblical Annals, 7(1), 5–48. Retrieved from

Andrzej Piwowar
Instytut Nauk Biblijnych KUL


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