Annotazioni sul testo del Salmo 17

Stanisław Bazyliński

Papieski Wydział Teologiczny Świętego Bonawentury w Rzymie , Włochy


On the basis of the Hebrew manuscripts and other ancient textual witnesses, this article singles out and discusses many text-critical and translational issues regarding Psalm 17, dwelling particularly upon vv.11 and 14. For v.11, the author accepts the conjectural reading אִשְּׁרוּנִי עתַָּה סְבָבוּנִ י , “they have advanced/moved against me, now, they have encircled me”. For v.14, the author gives preference to the qere וּצְפוּנְךָ with the collective meaning: “and your protected ones”.

Słowa kluczowe:

Psalm 17, textual criticism, textual transmission, אִשְּׁרוּנִי, וּצְפוּנְךָ

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Stanisław Bazyliński
Papieski Wydział Teologiczny Świętego Bonawentury w Rzymie


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