Reading as Re-reading: The Poetic Function of the Grammatical Ambiguity in Jer 51:20-24

Łukasz Popko

École Biblique et Archéologique Française , Izrael


The grammatical ambiguity of Jer 51:20-24 results in three possible interpretations: 1) Babylon as God’s weapon; 2) an announcement of Babylon’s demise; 3) God as the victorious ruler of the world history. The ambiguity should be considered as a poetic trope.

Słowa kluczowe:

grammatical ambiguity; Jer 51:20-24; Babylon; hermeneutics

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Popko, Łukasz. (2018). Reading as Re-reading: The Poetic Function of the Grammatical Ambiguity in Jer 51:20-24. The Biblical Annals, 8(2), 159–171.

Łukasz Popko
École Biblique et Archéologique Française SSD EBAF


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